What Is The Benefits of Long Tail Keyword?

Long-tail keywords, en masse, can provide significant search volume (high impressions)

Long-tail keywords have less competition than generic keywords (lower cost per click (CPC), higher click-through rate (CTR))

Long-tail keywords are more specific than generic keywords, so ads can be better tailored to match the searcher’s needs (higher

CTR, higher Quality Score, less wastage from irrelevant searches)

People making long-tail searches are often further along in the buying cycle and more willing to buy than people making generic
searches (higher conversion rate)

These lower CPCs, higher CTRs and higher conversion rates mean long-tail keywords can be extremely profitable (lower cost per acquisition (CPA))
1) They're easier to rank for - reducing time spent to rank.
2) They convert well. People are 'deep Googling' because they're further into the buying research cycle. Therefore 'buy a new widget now' is better than 'widget' as a keyword.