What is the advantage of Site Map Submission

Content Modification: You can only maintain higher ranks in the search engines if you keep modifying content on your site; keeping it fresh and useful to the needs of your visitors. If you have used a sitemap creator or manually created a sitemap, Google will be alerted whenever your site’s content is modified.

Efficient Crawling: Every piece of content on a site should be crawled, which sometimes may take long or never. With a sitemap, the website can be efficiently and effectively be crawled.

Content Categorization: Sitemaps let you place web pages under categories and prioritized. This means that the pages carrying your most important content will be crawled and indexed faster than those with a less priority value.

Get Discovered: The main reason you invest time and money creating new content for your site is that you expect to be found on the web. Use a sitemap creator to generate a sitemap and you will be discovered fast. Highly recommended for new websites or web pages and other pieces of content.

Save Time: Some pieces of information should be delivered when still fresh, like news items. You don’t have to wait and guess when the spiders are likely to pay your website a visit. You tremendously cut on this time.

Free service: The best things in life come in small portions and are free! Yes, submitting your sitemap to Google doesn’t cost a penny, just do it!

Learn About Your Visitors: You can learn a lot by monitoring your sitemap reports. Errors will be displayed so that you can fix, traffic sources and even keyword searches. Using this information can help you improve your content and attract more traffic.