What is structure data in seo?

Structured data is a system of pairing a name with a value that helps search engines categorize and index your content. Microdata is one form of structured data that works with HTML5. Schema.org is a project that provides a particular set of agreed-upon definitions for microdata tags.
Learn what is structured data and why it matters for SEO. Learn how it helps search engines and people looking at the search results page.
Structured data is a way for publishers to highlight content on their web pages to help search engines know exactly what certain words relate to.
Structured data refers to any data that resides in a fixed field within a record or file. This includes data contained in relational databases and spreadsheets.
Characteristics of Structured Data
Structured data first depends on creating a data model – a model of the types of business data that will be recorded and how they will be stored, processed and accessed. This includes defining what fields of data will be stored and how that data will be stored.