What is Social Media Optimization (SMO)?

SMO is one of the parts of SEO. Social media optimization is a great technique by which you can get more traffic and business for the website. If your website has huge traffic then you can earn by Google adsence. Social media sites like Facebook, twitter or linkedin are getting very famous and popular now-a-days
Social media optimization comes under seo where you create a content and then market it on various social media platforms across the web and this is where it gets viral and hence get natural backlinks which in turn boost your search engine position.
Benefits of SMO:
>It creates better communication with customers.
>It is used to gather marketplace intelligence.
>Bring Attention to Your Products
>Build Your Personal Reputation
Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the method of social activity that attract visitors to a website through an elevated search rank.
Social media optimization is a technique which helps to optimize a website according to the requirements of social platform. Even it assist to present a website in an attractive manner so that it can attain huge traffic rapidly. It is the best method to provide complete info of an online business to each and every people active over there.