What is SMO and SEM?

Actually SEM is Search Engine Marketing, its additional broad then simply SEO, and it additionally includes PPC (pay per click)... SMM. Social media Marketing refers to the method of gaining web site traffic or attention through social media sites. SMO. ... one among the various alternative strategies is computer program improvement or SEO.
SMO : Social media optimization (SMO) is the utilization of various social networking outlets and groups to create reputation to expand the familiarity with an item, brand or occasion. It is a process that is used to improve the ranking of a website in a search engine.

SEO : Search engine optimization is a strategy of methodologies, strategies, and strategies used to expand the volume of guests to a site by acquiring a high-positioning arrangement in the indexed lists page of an internet searcher (SERP) - including Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other web crawlers.
SMO: Social Media Optimization is an important part of online Marketing. SMO is a basically use as a pull marketing strategy to communicate or interact with consumers in the form of posts or blogs, in social media sharing websites, and much more. There are several of websites and online communities to connect through social media optimization for that relevant site.

SEM: SEM is the part of online marketing, it stand for search engine marketing, it provides a social platform for business owners to promotion of their business product, brands and services. SEM provides an individual way to find consumers website product information very easily.
Actually SEM is Search Engine Marketing, its more broad then just SEO, and it also includes PPC (pay per click)... SMM. Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. SMO. ... One of the many other methods is search engine optimization or SEO.
-SEO is optimizing and promoting a website organically. SEO ranges from discovery of the keywords and phrases that will generate traffic, to making a site search engine friendly, to building the links and making your social media reputation.

-SEM is an umbrella term that covers gaining traffic through FREE SEO efforts as well as PAID search advertising
SEM improve a website’s visibility on the search results pages of various search engines.
SEM or Search Engine Marketing is the process of gaining traffic or visibility in the search engines. Often abbreviated as “search marketing”.
SMO stands for Social Media Optimization and includes all processes to increase the visibility of a website in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ Youtube etc.) increasing the links pointing to your website, and therefore increasing SERP positioning.
SMO means Social Media Optimization, It is a next wave of online marketing. The perfect marriage between search engine optimization and social media. SEM means Search Engine Marketing. SEM is usually used to describe the immediate, money-backed portion of search engine marketing that commonly takes the shape of PPC/CPC.
SEO - The term stands for Search Engine Optimization. Optimize your Website to be in SERP's as through Organic Search by following Search Engines SEO Guidelines.

SMM - Social Media Marketing, The paid advertisements which placed under Social Media Sites like Facebook, Twitter, My Space, Youtube and more.

SMO - Social Media Optimization, promoting your Services or Products on Social Media Sites for being more popular about yourself marked as Social Media Optimization.

SEM - Search Engine Marketing worked under Paid Ad's which placed under Google, Bing, MSN as AD's with specific keywords and also known as Non-Organic Search.
The professionals at Dimension India hold expertise in optimising the website so that search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing can rank you higher in their searches than your competitors. All our Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) activities are centred on ensuring that your website ranks high in organic searches.
We hold complete proficiency in handling paid search advertising campaigns like Pay Per Click, affiliate marketing and banner advertising. Our vast experience in carrying out such projects ensures that your website is visible on all online media, not just search engines.
It's here:
SMO: Social media optimization (SMO) is the process of increasing the awareness of a product, brand or event by using a number of social media outlets and communities to generate viral publicity.
SEM: Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising.
SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Once your website “house” is in order through basic SEO techniques, you’ll be ready to drive more traffic to it through search engine marketing, or paid search. These are the paid ads on the right-hand side of a Google search result page. Because these ads are served up based on exactly what term the user is searching and when they are searching for it, these ads are orders of magnitude more relevant and timely than other forms of online ads – such as banner ads, which are served up next to content. Furthermore, because paid search ads are typically paid only when there are clicks (cost per click), the advertiser cuts out the 99 percent that would have been wasted; in other words, if click-through rates are 1 percent, that means the other 99 percent of the impressions are wasted. So by switching from paying for impressions to paying only for clicks, approximately 99 percent of the waste is eliminated (see “This is what happens when 99% of the inefficiencies are cut out of a system“).

SMO (Social Media Optimization)

In the new digital world where users ignore most forms of advertising as “noise,” what is an advertiser to do? Most are turning to social media and social networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc. But as we have seen before, many are still applying “old world” tactics and metrics to it; in other words, buying billions of banner ad impressions on a CPM basis on Facebook – to achieve branding through “reach and frequency.” At a minimum, advertisers should “click the radio button” on Facebook advertising and switch from paying by CPM to paying by CPC (paying only for the clicks they get). This will save tens of thousands of wasted ad dollars instantly (see Facebook Advertising Metrics and Benchmarks).

A more sophisticated way to use social media would be to empower users to pass along and amplify your message, or better yet, let them create their own “rave” about your product and pass that along in their own words. Their words can yield powerful insights about what they think are the key attributes of your product and why they think they are important enough to pass along. Finally, the phenomenon of social commerce occurs when “friends don’t let friends do just social media”; they are so passionate about a product they not only tell their friends about it but they help their friends all the way through a purchase.
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