What Is SEO SEM SMO..?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their perceptibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) primarily through paid advertising.

SEO is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization, which is the art of having your website optimized, or attractive, to the major search engines for optimal indexing.

Social media optimization is all about exposing your website on social media channels like Facebook twitter; it helps you in building good social media reputation with more traffic, which is considered by Google while ranking your website in search results.
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SEM is the marketing process of getting more visibility in the search engines. You can do this by getting more free traffic – SEO – or paid traffic – paid search advertising.
SEO is a subset of SEM. SEO is the free traffic you receive from gaining access to ranking within the search engines. It refers to techniques a business can use to improve how their websites rank “naturally” or “organically” within the search engines.
Search engine marketing (SEM) refers to the short text advertisements which generally appear at the top or down the right hand side of search engine results. These are often labelled as "sponsored Links" or "sponsored results". These advertisements are generally purchased from GoogleTM (the Google AdwordsTM product), or Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Search engine optimization or SEO refers to improving a web sites' natural and organic ranking in the search engine results page. This more affordable method is often slow and new web sites may take up to a year to achieve decent rankings in Google.

SMO is through public networking, online and community web page for public dissemination of a set of methods.
SEO or search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website in search engines. The process helps to build your online identity and reputation to benefit your online business.

SEM stands for search engine marketing. It is the process of promoting your website in various search engines to build its popularity and reputation. Search engine optimization and social media optimization are two major processes used for search engine marketing.

SMO stands for social media optimization and is the process of optimizing your website in various social media websites. It helps to promote your website in various social networking websites to build traffic and also build your business popularity in search engines.
SEO means Search Engine Optimization. This is a free process for any business website being ranking by targeted keyword.

SEM means Serch Engine Marketing. This paid process for Google marketing.

SMO means Social Media Optimization. This free process for social media marketing.