What is SEA?

SEA is (Search Engine Advertising) increases web traffic to your site through digital advertising. To boost (CTR) click through rates, advertising campaigns should be focused, balanced and written for specific keywords that apply to your target audience.
In simplest term, SEA marketing is pay-per-click (PPC) ads, in which the advertiser pays the publisher every time an ad is clicked on.

Search Engine Advertising (SEA): it’s a form of digital advertising where advertising is bought on search engines to drive paid traffic. When it comes to buying ads on Google, the tool to use is Google Adwords – here is where you create campaigns, choose your target audience and create an ad. Here is where you monitor your costs and the effectiveness of the ad–is it actually clicked on? Does it bring any results,
SEA is (Search Engine Advertising) increases web traffic to your site through digital advertising. To boost (CTR) click through rates, advertising campaigns should be focused, balanced and written for specific keywords that apply to your target audience.
In simplest term, SEA marketing is pay-per-click (PPC) ads, in which the advertiser pays the publisher every time an ad is clicked on.
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