What is PR?

A combination of the words Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and public relations (PR). It is a combination of writing press releases and other marketing papers for search engine optimization purposes to generate leads as well as traffic to a Web site.
PageRank is a ranking system that previously was the foundation of the infamous search engine, Google. When search engines were first developed, they ranked all websites equally and would return results based only on the content and meta tags the pages contained. At the time, however, the PageRank system would revolutionize search engine rankings by including one key factor: a site's authority.
Page Rank holds the major concern while searching for the popularity of any website. A high PR shows that a website is highly concerned by the experts and it holds huge popularity among the online visitors as well. By viewing the PR of any website an individual can get the overview of it easily. Even high PR tells the quality of the content of the website as well which assist the visitors to rely on it easily for getting the best info from it related to any niche they are searching.
Page Rank is Google’s system for ranking web pages. A page with a higher Page Rank is deemed more important and is more likely to be listed above a page with a lower Page Rank.
PageRank is a ranking system that previously was the foundation of the infamous search engine, Google. When search engines were first developed, they ranked all websites equally and would return results based only on the content and meta tags the pages contained. At the time, however, the PageRank system would revolutionize search engine rankings by including one key factor: a site's authority.