What is Phrase Based Indexing and Retrieval and what roles does it play?

Phrase based indexing and retrieval is a system designed by Google to retrieve information by using phrases to list, rank, define and search documents on the internet. It looks at how the phrases are used on the internet and determines whether they are good or valid phrases to be on the web. This system also considers how frequently a phrase has been used and determines their significance on the internet and also compares how certain common phrases are used in place of or together with other phrases. If a certain phrase is used very frequently, it may be used to determine relation in content for web contents or simply web pages that will produce the same search results. The phrase based indexing and retrieval system can also use this same technique to determine any spam activity based on how many times a phrase is used on one document
Phrase based indexing and retrieval is a system designed by Google to retrieve information by using phrases to list, rank, define and search documents on the internet. It looks at how the phrases are used on the internet and determines whether they are good or valid phrases to be on the web. This system also considers how frequently a phrase has been used and determines their significance on the internet and also compares how certain common phrases are used in place of or together with other phrases. If a certain phrase is used very frequently, it may be used to determine relation in content for web contents or simply web pages that will produce the same search results. The phrase based indexing and retrieval system can also use this same technique to determine any spam activity based on how many times a phrase is used on one document

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