What is Penguin 4.0 update ?

Read from Google

"The Real Time Google Penguin Algorithm is LIVE. Google Penguin 4.0 is officially part of Google's Core Algorithm, according to an official statement given by Google on September 23, 2016. "Penguin is now real-time. Historically, the list of sites affected by Penguin was periodically refreshed at the same time."
The Real Time Google Penguin Algorithm is LIVE. Google Penguin 4.0 is officially part of Google's Core Algorithm, according to an official statement given by Google on September 23, 2016. "Penguin is now real-time. Historically, the list of sites affected by Penguin was periodically refreshed at the same time.
Important points about the Real Time Penguin
The Google Penguin positive or negative signal is now recalculated on crawl. Link Detox Boost is therefore the perfect tool also to "test & try" links effects and not only make the disavow work.
Google Penguin now not only affects the whole site (or not). It has its impact on all levels like domain, folders, pages and probably also keywords and keyword groups. So anything that goes into the organic rankings will now be affected by the Penguin algorithm on a fine level.
Because of 2. it will be harder to diagnose "small Penguin penalties" in many cases.
Since Google Penguin will be more granular, it can mean that an aggressively SEOed part of a website trips the Penguin filter, while other parts are ranking fine. This will makes doing a competitive research using Competitive Link Detox (CDTOX) for every main topic a site covers more important to understand different risk level standards.
Because of 4 the "Subfolder Analysis" Feature of Link Detox (launched 2014) will become one of the most popular features to diagnose and fix Penguin bases ranking issues (in conjunction with Link Detox Boost).
The "Filter Slice Feature" that Link Detox and LRT have for years will be very helpful to analyze the risk per groups of keywords, groups of source domains, countries, types of links and many more.
All has been quiet on the Google front for the past few years. We’ve seen some significant changes to SERP layouts, and some tweaks like the mobile-friendly update and of course, RankBrain, but when it comes to major updates like Panda and Penguin, Google’s been relatively stable. Now, after an extended hibernation, Google has officially announced its latest Penguin-related release, which most of us in the search community are calling “Penguin 4.0.”

The update makes some major changes to how Penguin operates, and if your strategy includes any search engine optimization (SEO), you need to know how this affects you.

A Brief History of the Penguin Algorithm

First, in case you aren’t familiar with Google’s update history, Penguin was an algorithm update that first came out in 2012. The Panda update, which came a year before in 2011, dramatically overhauled the way Google evaluated content quality, penalizing sites with “thin” or spammy content, and rewarding sites that offered rich, detailed, valuable content. Penguin did something similar for links, penalizing sites with questionable links pointing to them, or those coming from low-quality sites. It also rewarded sites with better-quality inbound link profiles.

Penguin was followed up with significant adjustments (Penguin 2.0 and 3.0), but also a series of smaller updates, and what we called “refreshes.” Unlike the majority of Google’s search algorithm, Penguin didn’t update constantly; instead, it was subject to periodic data refreshes, which could update Google’s interpretation of your current link profile.

For example, if you built some bad links that warranted a penalty, you might have had to wait months—for the next refresh—to see the effects. Similarly, companies who were working to get out of Google’s doghouse (or penguin house) by removing links that had caused them to become penalized had to wait until the next refresh to see the fruits of their efforts.
Penguin 4.0 is officially part of Google's Core Algorithm, according to an official statement given by Google on September 23, 2016. "Penguin is now real-time.
All has been quiet on the Google front for the past few years. We’ve seen some significant changes to SERP layouts, and some tweaks like the mobile-friendly update and of course, RankBrain, but when it comes to major updates like Panda and Penguin, Google’s been relatively stable. Now, after an extended hibernation, Google has officially announced its latest Penguin-related release, which most of us in the search community are calling “Penguin 4.0.”

The update makes some major changes to how Penguin operates, and if your strategy includes any search engine optimization (SEO), you need to know how this affects you.

A Brief History of the Penguin Algorithm

First, in case you aren’t familiar with Google’s update history, Penguin was an algorithm update that first came out in 2012. The Panda update, which came a year before in 2011, dramatically overhauled the way Google evaluated content quality, penalizing sites with “thin” or spammy content, and rewarding sites that offered rich, detailed, valuable content. Penguin did something similar for links, penalizing sites with questionable links pointing to them, or those coming from low-quality sites. It also rewarded sites with better-quality inbound link profiles.

Penguin was followed up with significant adjustments (Penguin 2.0 and 3.0), but also a series of smaller updates, and what we called “refreshes.” Unlike the majority of Google’s search algorithm, Penguin didn’t update constantly; instead, it was subject to periodic data refreshes, which could update Google’s interpretation of your current link profile.

For example, if you built some bad links that warranted a penalty, you might have had to wait months—for the next refresh—to see the effects. Similarly, companies who were working to get out of Google’s doghouse (or penguin house) by removing links that had caused them to become penalized had to wait until the next refresh to see the fruits of their efforts.