What is on-page and off-page SEO

I would like to say that On page techniques are below

Meta tag optimization.
Keyword Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Key Word Density
Sitemap xml & Robot.txt
H1 to H6 Tag
Title Tag optimization.

Off page search engine optimization consists in optimizing all the factors not dependent on a page that are important for search engine visibility..
use both on page and off page techniques of seo,
>Tittle tag
>meta description
>head and alt tags
>link building
>social networking sites
>blog marketing
>forum posting
>video marketing
>photo sharing
>social bookmarking and
>article submission
OnPage SEO is what you can control on your website. You optimize it for Google to be easier to read and understand your website structure, content and navigation
OffPage SEO is what outside your web, you can't control it completely. OffPage SEO is optimizing your website's reputation on the Internet

If you're building new website, it's important to choose a platform that supports OnPage SEO good such as Wordpress, Shopify, Stormcart.
OffPage SEO does not depend on your platform
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On page seo consist of meta tag,meta title,meta keywords and meta description.On the other hand off page seo consist of social bookmarking,article submission,press release,classified add.
In search engine optimization, on-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on your Web site or Web page listing in natural search results. These factors are controlled by you or by coding on your page. Examples of on-page optimization include actual HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement and keyword density.
On-page SEO is the different parts of your web page that affect your search engine rankings. It’s things that you can change yourself.
Title tags
Meta tags
Meta description
URL structure
Alt text for images
Fast-loading pages

Off page
Off-page SEO, on the other hand, focuses more on promoting your content outside of your webpage. Some examples of off-page SEO include.
Link building
Social media shares
Outreach e-mails to influencers in your industry
Guest blogging for sites related to yours
On page SEO:-
The on-page optimization is one of the technique of SEO. On page optimization is one of the very first step of SEO which every webmaster should look into. It include actual HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement and keyword density into the webpage.
Off page SEO:-
Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the search engine results page. It includes:-Link Building, Social Media, Social bookmarking etc
On page seo refers to the process that is followed on the website itself. Some of the tasks involved are:

Keyword research
Meta tags and title
Meta description
Robots.txt file
Sitemap generation
Content development
Image optimization

Off page refers to the link building and promotion of your website in search engines. Some of the most effective off page activities are:

Guest posting
Article submission
Press release submission
Social bookmarks
Classified ads
Infographics submission