What is Nofollow or dofollow link?

Dofollow links permit google (all search engines) to follow them and reach our web site. Giving United States link juice and a backlink. If a webmaster is linking back to you with this link each computer programme and Humans are going to be ready to follow you.
Nofollow links attributes don't permit computer programme bots to follow link.That means if the web site owner is linking back to you with nofollow attributes, it doesn't die link juice.
Nofollow is an HTML attribute value used to instruct search engines bots that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index.
If a search engine finds a “no follow” backlink it will just ignore the link and will not get deeper into crawling and no link juice is passed.

Do-follow links are highly recommended for SEO purpose because crawler will index the links which are do-follow. Once the do-follow link is indexed, it will improve the rank of the website on search engine.
What is nofollow?

When we put the attribute rel = 'nofollow' tag in the moment <a rel=" "> Google spiders will not count links (backlinks) and did not increase the pagerank for links to websites you.
Nofollow attribute will not work in addition to marketing, also attribute rel = dofollow is the opposite.
What is dofollow?
The links with rel = dofollow attribute pointing to your website affects the PageRank. VietISO want to stress if you have to exchange links with many sites, after reading this article you should check back links pointing to your website if it dofollow because most likely you do not have to go without been received.
nofollow is a value that can be assigned to the rel attribute of an HTML a element to instruct some search engines that the hyperlink should not influence the ranking of the link's target in the search engine's index.
It is a type of link which has a potential to improve the ranking and the credibility of your website in Google. By default every link is dofollow, link which does not contain Rel=”Nofollow” Attribute is dofollow and these are considered to be the most powerful links for any websites.
Do follow is hyperlink inclusion that tells search engines to pass on any credibility or influence to an outbound link. When Google bot visits a website it reads website pages and includes links with do follow attribute and excludes link with no follow attribute. Nofollow is html tag that website owners, add to links in their website for the search engines not to crawl, notice, or acknowledge a link. While a nofollow link is ignored, but popular social networking site like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Myspace sites are nofollow, but they do provide a lot of other benefits.
Do follow and no follow are link attributes and contain instructions for search engine robots. Do follow links are crawled and indexed in search engines whereas no follow links are never crawled and indexed in search engines.
Nofollow is an HTML attribute value used to instruct search engines bots that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index.

Dofollow links allow google (all search engines) to follow them and reach our website. Giving us link juice and a backlink. If a webmaster is linking back to you with this link both Search Engine and Humans will be able to follow you.
The basic difference between a no-follow and do-follow link is that while a do-follow link allows the search engine track your website through the link, thus improving your domain authority and ranking on the search engine result page, a no-follow link does not direct the search engine to your website thus provides no link juice to your website.