What is Link Velocity?

Link velocity is the rate at which others are linking back to your site. ... Building quality backlinks should be the main priority, not achieving a high link velocity. However, link velocity is one of the SEO metrics that you should track
Link velocity describes the speed of link growth to a page or domain. Link velocity can be measured in new links per month or new linking root domains per month.
Link velocity refereed to how quickly others are linking back to your website. Also it can be referred as the rate at which your backlink profile grows over time.
Link velocity refers to the rate at which backlinks to a site are accumulated. This
can sometimes be an important SEO factor. Site that contains good quality content
will pick up a steady stream of backlinks. Also the safest and easiest way to maintain a good link building campaign without devoting too much time and effort into understanding the physics of online
link building velocity is to just keep at it and be consistent.