What is Link Popularity??

Link popularity refers to the number of backlinks (incoming links) that point to a given website. it is the term used to describe the value of a Web site, where the measurement is based on the quantity of quality Inbound links to your pages.
Link Popularity is the index term that links to your website. Link popularity has two forms: internal links and external links; Internal link is the link between the pages of the website; external link is the link from the external site directed to your website. Link popularity is the index for the search engines to decide on website ranking
Link popularity refers to the number of backlinks (incoming links) that point to a given website. In contrast to domain popularity, every backlink is counted separately.
Link popularity is a term that refers to how many other links point towards a particular website. Link popularity refers to the number of links pointing to and from related sites and is an extremely important method of improving your site's relevancy in search engines.
Link popularity is a term that refers to how many other links point towards a particular website. The term link popularity also has two different forms, Internal and External, which refer to the links coming from the websites own web pages and from other websites
Link popularity is a term that refers to how many other links point towards a particular website. The term link popularity also has two different forms, Internal and External, which refer to the links coming from the websites own web pages and from other websites. Internal link popularity means the number of links to the website from web pages that belong to the particular website. External link popularity is the number of links from outside sources that lead back to the particular website. In the end, websites with high link popularity have what is called link cardinality or link superiority and have a reputation for being informative, as well as ranking highly on search engines. Link popularity is also an approach that many search engines take when deciding where to rank websites.