What is Landing Page Optimisation?

Land page optimization (LPO) is one part of a broader Internet marketing process called conversion optimization, or conversion rate optimization (CRO), with the goal of improving the percentage of visitors to the website that become sales leads and customers.
Land page Optimisation (LPO) is one a part of a broader web selling method known as conversion Optimisation, or conversion rate Optimisation (CRO), with the goal of rising the proportion of tourists to the web site that become sales leads and customers.
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Land page optimization (LPO) is one part of a broader Internet marketing process called conversion optimization, or conversion rate optimization (CRO), with the goal of improving the percentage of visitors to the website that become sales leads and customers.
Landing page is basically created for marketing purpose. It is the page which is being used for search engine marketing in which lots of keywords are added & attractive images are inserted to promote it in the search engines. It helps to present the features of a website in order to attract the viewers towards their website in large number. It is very effective for website promotion.
Landing page optimization means improving an existing landing page. How you improve a page depends on what the purpose of the page is. Each page on your Website should have a single purpose. A purpose might be to get people to consume the information on a page, or to persuade someone to take a particular action. As soon as your page achieves a particular purpose you can think of it as achieving a conversion.

So if you want them to consume the information then you have converted them from previously not knowing something to now knowing it.