What is Keyword Stuffing or Link Farming..?

Link farming :- To increasing the link popularity of another website by increasing the number of incoming links.

Keyword stuffing :- Repeating the same phrases or keyword to manipulate a site's ranking in google search results.
A link farm is a site made just with the end goal of expanding the connection prominence of another site by expanding the quantity of approaching connections. A connection cultivate generally resembles a consistent site page, yet most of the substance is hyperlinks - frequently arbitrary and disconnected - to different sites.
Keyword stuffing refers to the practice of loading a webpage with keywords or numbers in an attempt to manipulate a site's ranking in Google search results.

A link farm is a website (or a group of websites) created only for the purpose of increasing the link popularity of another site by increasing the number of incoming links.
Keyword stuffing is an SEO technique used to overload keywords onto a Web page so search engines will read the page as being relevant in a Web search.

A Link Farm is a set of fake websites that include links to your website, for the purpose of cheating Google to get you better page rank. The idea is that Google can be fooled into thinking that your site is worthy of ranking higher in search results because a set of sites that link to one another also link to your site.
Keyword stuffing is known as an illegal search engine optimization technique that involves adding an excessive amount of keywords into the HTML or tags of a web page to bring more traffic to a website. and the other hand link farming is to increase the number of sites that link to yours because search engines such as Google rank sites according to, among other things, the quality and quantity of sites that link to yours.
Link Farming is the process of exchanging reciprocal links with websites in order to increase the ranking on search engines. Link farming is the considered as Black hat SEO technique which is penalized by google.