What is keyword density and what is the formula for knowing keyword density?

Keyword density: It is a percentage of the no: of times a keywords or phrases is present in the content of the webpage when compared to the total number of words present on the webpage. There is no universal regulation for the percentage of keyword density. Most of the SEO professional contemplate the keyword density from 1 to 3 percent as ideal. Simply overstuffing the webpage with keywords to gain an advantage in the SERPs will make the website appear like spam.
Total no: of keywords / Total no: of keywords on the webpage * 100
Keyword density is the most often keyword use in your content;

To check your keyword density using firefox browser you must install extensions (search status)
after installation: Right click the icon, then click Show density keywords.
From SEO point of view, keyword density will definitely help to stand out your content from others. The formula to know the keyword density is ( Total number of keyword/ total number of words in your article) multiply by 100.