What is infographic ?

Infographic is graphical data about your website or service. The data are characterized in a graphical format as we can remember pictures more that words. Infographics can be used to create backlinks by submitting them in numerous web2.0 platforms.
A information graphic (infographic) is a visual representation of an information set or educational material. An infographic takes a lot of data in content or numerical structure and after that consolidates it into a mix of pictures and content, permitting viewers to rapidly get a handle on the crucial experiences the information contains. Infographics are not a result of the Web, but rather the Internet has advanced their utilization as a substance medium.
They are the images containing information in very attractive manner, it is used to share lots of information in limited space through graphics.

A simple Google Trends search will show that the term “infographic” has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity lately, largely due to the use of this medium for editorial content on the web. This term has become the broadest descriptor, encompassing, obviously, any graphic that displays information. This may include graphics showing data, copy, or both. As the buzz surrounding this word has grown, so has the argument regarding what should be included in this classification. We believe this term should remain open and inclusive as the medium evolves, leaving the specificity to the areas outlined below.
"Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly" Do Google
Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.[1][2] They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends.[3][4] Similar pursuits are information visualization, data visualization, statistical graphics, information design, or information architecture.[2] Infographics have evolved in recent years to be for mass communication, and thus are designed with fewer assumptions about the readers' knowledge base than other types of visualizations. Isotypes are an early example of infographics conveying information quickly and easily to the masses.
A well-designed infographic like the one below can help you simplify a complicated subject or turn an otherwise boring subject into a captivating experience. Adding interactive content like infographics to your website can be one of the most effective strategies in an overall digital marketing campaign. Ideally, an infographic should be visually engaging, contain a subject matter that is appealing to your target audience, and be supported by other engaging content across your website and social channels.
A simple Google Trends search will show that the term “infographic” has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity lately, largely due to the use of this medium for editorial content on the web.