What is Google's next big thing?


New member
What do you think Google will roll out with next to help combat web spam? Do you think it will be more extreme than the penguin update?
I think Google refresh new versions of Panda & Penguin updates this year.
Many Webmasters are assuming about Google Zebra update will be the next Google Algorithm because Panda & Penguin both are the White & Black animals so next one can be Zebra. :D
I think Google's going to release a new search ranking algorithm adjustment, codenamed "Elephant", really soon. I heard other people having their website's rankings crashed. Hopefully it won't affect me. :D
There are rumors that the next Google update will take fake social signals: purchased followers, likes and fake reviews. I have also heard that the update could be code named zebra, but I'll just wait and see.
You never really know what Google will do next.

I also agree with some of the posts above regarding social signals.
Google may take into account the reputation of the social page, and negatively impact those with lower quality or authority.

Let's wait and watch.
In SEO history after google panda, penguin was the deadliest update for the spammers.. and yes there are many things which google need to implement for clearing the spam.. so lets stay tooned...
Many Webmasters are assuming about Google Zebra update will be the next Google Algorithm because Panda & Penguin both are the White & Black animals so next one can be Zebra. In SEO history after google panda, penguin was the deadliest update for the spammers.