What is Google Sandbox in SEO?

The Google sandbox or “sandbox effect” is a filter that Google applies to new websites that want to rank in the search results for specific phrases.
Definition: The Google sandbox refers to a commonly held belief that Google has a filter that places all new websites under restrictions for a certain amount of time to prevent them from ranking in searches. The idea behind the Google sandbox is that newer websites are not as relevant as older sites, and they are also more likely to be spam. For this reason, they are restricted and allowed to mature before being allowed to rank well, much as a young child is placed to play in a sandbox by his or her caregiver. Although Google will neither confirm nor deny the existence of the sandbox, it is widely accepted as fact.
The Google Sandbox is an alleged filter placed on new websites. The result is that a site does not receive good rankings for its most important keywords and keyword phrases. Even with good content, abundant incoming links and strong Google PageRank, a site is still adversely affected by the Sandbox effect.
Google Sandbox is a Google algorithm which keeps tracks of the methods that we are trying to build backlinks for our blogs. Google Sandbox tracks the IP address of our computer and will notice how much and how frequently we are building a backlinks for our blog.
The Google Sandbox Effect is a theory used to explain why newly-registered domains or domains with frequent ownership changes rank poorly in Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS). In other words new websites are put into a “sandbox” or a holding area and have their search ratings on hold until they can prove worthy of ranking.