What is Google Phantom Update about?

Phantom Update is an update to the quality of content, whereby Google has improved the content quality scale of its articles. However, this search engine does not provide an explanation around the quality of content.
This makes it the fifth time Google’s Phantom has dropped in on unsuspecting web citizens. What makes us suspect Phantom? Easy: Many of the affected pages are domains that we already know from earlier analyses of Phantom Updates.
Google’s Phantom update is also known as Quality Update. After many reports of large-scale ranking changes, originally dubbed Phantom 2, Google on 2015, acknowledged a core algorithm change impacting "quality signals". Google Phantom 2 algorithm assesses content quality on a website. This update seems to have had a broad impact, but Google didn't reveal any specifics about the nature of the signals involved.
Google's Phantom Update was a sneaky change to the company's search algorithm that affected mostly informational sites like eHow, Quora, and HubPages. Many sites lost rankings while others jumped ahead, causing mass confusion among webmasters as Google originally denied a major update. Many sites lost rankings while others jumped ahead, causing mass confusion among webmasters as Google originally denied a major update.