What is Google Panda?


Google Panda is a change to Google's SERP algorithm that was first released in February 2011. Which aimed to lower the rank of low-quality sites or thin sites and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results. If “enough” (no specific number) pages of a site were flagged for having thin content, entire site could be penalized.
Do you know the date exactly when they started to implement the penguin algorithm and also tell if it was implemented at once or was it implemented in a matter of days. Have you seen any websites till today which has been able to fully recover from the effect (i mean negative effect of panda). Did the websites that were not penalized gained traffic. I am assuming that would have gained traffic because the penalized websites were stealing traffic which then start going towards the non penalized websites. Well its just my assumption.
Google Penguin..

Do you know the date exactly when they started to implement the penguin algorithm and also tell if it was implemented at once or was it implemented in a matter of days. Have you seen any websites till today which has been able to fully recover from the effect (i mean negative effect of panda). Did the websites that were not penalized gained traffic. I am assuming that would have gained traffic because the penalized websites were stealing traffic which then start going towards the non penalized websites. Well its just my assumption.

The Penguin Algorithm was launched officially on 24 April 2012. Google unveiled further updates later. Obviously the sites which were penalized lost their ranks and the traffic, giving room and JUICE for non penalized websites.
Google Panda

Google Panda is the name of Google Algorithm. When ever Google made major changes in its SERP Algorithm, it refreshes new update.
Google has announced 24th Panda Refresh on 22nd January, 2013 and said that it will made 1.3% impact on Google searches.
Google Panda is a change to Google's search results ranking algorithm that was first released in February 2011. The change aimed to lower the rank of "low-quality sites" or "thin sites", and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results.
Google Panda is a series of on-going algorithm updates and data refreshes for the Google search engine that the company rolls out to help refine its search algorithm to improve the value of search query results for users.