What is FRP Mixed Bed (MB) Vessel? Explain How FRP MB Vessel works.


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An FRP Mixed Bed (MB) Vessel is a container or tank made of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) that is used in a variety of applications, frequently in water treatment systems, to hold and facilitate the process of mixed bed ion exchange. A "mixed bed" is a vessel that contains both cation exchange resin and anion exchange resin in combination.


FRP Mixed Vessel MB Vessels are often used in fields that demand extremely pure water, including as power generation, electronics manufacturing, medicines, and laboratories.

Here's how a typical FRP Mixed Bed (MB) Vessel works:

1. Cation Exchange Resin: The resin's negatively charged sites attract and exchange the positively charged ions (or "cations") that are present in the water. Calcium, magnesium, sodium, and other metal ions are examples of typical cations. These ions are taken out of the water by the cation exchange procedure.

2. Anion Exchange Resin: Inside the vessel, there is anion exchange resin that has positively charged sites that draw and exchange negatively charged ions (also known as anions) from the water. Chloride, sulfate, nitrate, and other non-metal ions are examples of common anions. These ions are taken out of the water by the anion exchange procedure.

3. Mixed Bed Zone: Cation and anion exchange resins are mixed together in the upper portion of the vessel. Both cations and anions are further eliminated from the water as it passes through this mixed bed zone, resulting in extremely high water purity.

4. Regeneration: The ions that have been taken out of the water over time cause the ion exchange resins to become saturated. The resins must be regenerated in order to regain their exchange capacity. For cation resin and anion resin, this entails flushing the vessel with a regenerant solution that removes the accumulated ions and replaces them with hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions, respectively.

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