What is Facebook Fan Page?

A fan page is the only way for entities like businesses, organizations, celebrities, and political figures to represent themselves on Facebook.

Unlike a personal Facebook profile, fan pages are visible to everybody on the Internet. Anyone on Facebook can connect to and receive updates from a page by becoming a fan (i.e. ‘Liking’ the page).

Like a friend’s profile, Facebook pages enable public figures, authors, speakers, restaurants, hotels, retail stores, photographers, realtors, community organizations and other entities to create an authentic and public presence on Facebook.
A fan page is that the solely approach for entities like businesses, organizations, celebrities, and political figures to represent themselves on Facebook. in contrast to a private Facebook profile, fan pages area unit visible to everyone on the net.
Fanpage is a personal or business created site that creates a community that helps people with one or more of these common traits (interests, ages, etc.) connect together. At the same time, it is a place of interaction between individuals / businesses and communities for the purposes of business, entertainment, emotional sharing, charity ....