What is EMD update?

EMD stands for Exact Match Domain. This is a Google algorithm purpose is to reduce the reputation of the domain coincide with the keyword low quality, spam.
The EMD Update — for "Correct Match Domain" — is a channel Google propelled in September 2012 to keep low quality destinations from positioning admirably just in light of the fact that they had words that match look terms in their area names. At the point when a crisp EMD Update happens, locales that have enhanced their substance may recapture great rankings.
The EMD Update for “Exact Match Domain” is a filter Google launched in Sept 2012 to prevent poor quality sites from ranking well just because they'd words that match search terms in their domain names. When a fresh EMD Update happens, sites that have improved their content may regain good rankings. New sites with poor content or those previously missed by EMD may get caught.
An Exact Match Domain (EMD) is a URL that consists of the keyword or keyword combination which the website in question is supposed to be optimized for.
The EMD Update for “Exact Match Domain” is a filter Google launched in Sept 2012 to prevent poor quality sites from ranking well just because they'd words that match search terms in their domain names. When a fresh EMD Update happens, sites that have improved their content may regain good rankings.
The EMD Update — for “Exact Match Domain” — is a filter Google launched in September 2012 to prevent poor quality sites from ranking well simply because they had words that match search terms in their domain names. When a fresh EMD Update happens, sites that have improved their content may regain good rankings.
EMD stands for Exact Match Domains. The exact match domains update is a new filter aimed at ensuring that low-quality websites do not attain a high Page Rank and rise high in Googles SERPs just because such websites have the relevant search term in the domain names.
EMD stands for Exact Match Domains. The exact match domains update is a new filter aimed at ensuring that low-quality websites do not attain a high Page Rank (PR) and rise high in Google'€™s SERPs (search engine results pages)