What is E-Mail Marketing..?

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial messages to an audience. Marketing emails can be sent to a purchased lead list or a current customer database.
Any kind of email with the said content can be considered email marketing and their purpose is to acquire new customers, build or enhance a company's relationship with their current customers, and for the customers consider a repeat business with them to develop trust, loyalty, or to give them awareness.
Email Marketing. Email marketing is a way to send emails to your customers or clients in order to maintain or foster interest in your product or service.It can be used thoughtfully to build loyalty and trust in your brand.
E-Mail marketing is an organization form of communication to inform customers or prospects about your business, products and much more. It can also be used to build long term relationships, build your brand, generate business leads time to time and offer value to clients by sharing your expertise in a chosen subject matter area. It is a well accepted form of communication in business.

Unlike SMS marketing, E-mails can be better personalized with great designs, images, videos, file attachments and more.
Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing.
E-mail marketing is an affordable marketing tool that aims on building long lasting relationships with your clients. Integrate the subscription form with your social media campaigns. You can provide either a subscription form within your Facebook fan page or drive traffic from your social media efforts to the landing page of the subscription form. Both practices work but their results vary depending on your target audience.
Basically the use of email to promote products or services.But a better understanding of email marketing is that building relationships with potential customers or clients. It is a part of Internet marketing segment.
Email marketing is the most effective way to get the people's feedback. Because only email marketing can help you to get the direct users fedback.