what is different between wordpress.com and wordpress.org ?

The one major difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org is who’s actually hosting your website.
- With WordPress.org, YOU host your own blog or website. WordPress.org is where you’ll find the free WordPress software that you can download and install on your own web server.
- WordPress.com, on the other hand, takes care of all of the hosting for you. You don’t have to download software, pay for hosting, or manage a web server.
Others first is domain.hahaha
WordPress.org, YOU Storage blog or website of your own. WordPress.org is where you will find the free WordPress software that you can download and install on your own web server.
WordPress.com, on the other hand, takes care of all your storage. You do not need to download software, pay for hosting, or managed a web server.
And ......
WordPress.com is an online platform where you can go, sign up, and create your website/blog all in one place.

(To give you a clever comparison, WordPress.com is your Google Docs (bear with me).)

WordPress.org is an open source software. To launch a website with it, you need to first download the software, and then install it on your own web server (or a web server you’re renting from a third-party).
WordPress.com is a freemium SAAS platform that you gives a limited version of the real (.org) version of WordPress but makes sure you can't screw anything up.

WordPress.org as mentioned before is the official version of WordPress that is much more powerful as it allows you to install your own plugins and themes but you have to do the hosting elsewhere (Google WordPress hosts and you'll find a billion). Plus you have the risk of totally screwing up everything.
wordpress.org is the software freely available in public in this site owners can modify their design and functionality to limit creativity you won't need to pay remove third party ads,no restrictions wordpress.com it have pros of cannot modify the source code you can't upload plugins there are plugins available both have some pros and cons so you can choose that will be suitable for you.
WordPress.org Benefits

It’s free and super easy to use.
You own your data. You are in full control. Your site will NOT be turned off because someone decides that it is against their terms of service (as long as you are not doing something illegal). You are in control.
You can upload and use plugins.
You can upload custom themes. Modify theme files (not just styles) if needed.
You can make money from it by using your own ads, and doing things your way.
Custom Analytics and Tracking

WordPress.com Benefits

It’s free for upto 3GB of space. After that you will have to pay for space ($19.95 per year for 5GB) or ($289.97 per year for 100GB).
They make regular backups of your site.
WordPress.com is a free blogging platform and also have premium upgrades (Domains , Hosting, VIP ) etc.
& WordPress.Org is introductory site of most powerful CMS on the planet.And you can get all the basic information and help form that site .