What is different between doorway pages and clocking?

Doorway pages are web pages that are created for spamdexing. This is for spamming the index of a search engine by inserting results for particular phrases with the purpose of sending visitors to a different page.

Cloaking is a search engine optimization (SEO) technique in which the content presented to the search engine spider is different from that presented to the user's browser. This is done by delivering content based on the IP addresses or the User-Agent HTTP header of the user requesting the page.
Doorway page is a keyword stuffed page which after a few minutes redirects to another page. The real page webmaster wants to show. This page is generally Affiliate page or a CPA offer. So using doorway pages, both Google and human see the same page.

Cloaking is a condition when search engines like Google and Yahoo see the doorway page ie. the keyword optimized page whereas the visitors see a totally different page, which again is generally an Affiliate or a CPA offer.
An SEO technique, the doorway is meant to capture the attention of a search engine's spider by containing keywords and phrases that the spider will pick up on. Often the doorway page contains hidden text in order to load the page with occurrences of a specific keyword or phrase.

A website that uses cloaking recognizes search engine spiders by their IP address. It returns web pages to search engine spiders that are different from the web pages that web surfers see. Usually, the cloaking software creates hundreds of web pages that are optimized for a special search term so that search engine spiders get the impression that the website contains a lot of relevant information about a special topic.