What is cloaking?

Cloaking is a technique which is used in Black Hat SEO that enables to create two distinct pages where the page content is presented to search engine spider is different from that which is being presented to the user’s browser. These techniques do not come under the guidelines of search engine
Cloaking is one of the black hat SEO techniques, used by some of the webmaster to get high site ranking for their sites. These black hat SEO techniques violates the rules of search engine rules and regulations. There are types of cloaking techniques like IP cloaking, user-agent cloaking, Javascript cloaking and more.
Cloaking is a search engine optimization technique in which the content or information presented to the user is different from that presented to search engine crawlers (i.e. spiders or bots) for better indexing. In other words, the web server is specially programmed to return different content to search engines than it returns to regular users, in an attempt to distort search engine rankings. The Search engine may permanently ban from our index any sites or site authors that engage in cloaking.