What is bounce rate ?

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. It can be reduced by:

Good content update
Internal links
Easy navigation
Quick loading of webpage
When a visitor is landing on your home page or any particular page and after spending some time if that visitor left your website from that page then that visitor is consider into bounce rate. i.e if a visitor bounce back form same page then and then only it is consider.
when someone visit to your websites and stays less than 5 minutes because of many reasons like bad content or may be unresponsive websites.
Bounce rate is the number of visitors that source a website through a search engine but leave without navigating to any other webpage and “bounce” back to the search engine to find another resource. A high bounce rate will affect search engine position because it implies to the search engines that the website is not relevant to the searched terms that people are locating the website through and will consequently penalize the website which will ultimately be reflected in its search engine position.