what is bounce rate? what is the best percentage of bounce rate?

what is bounce rate? what is the best percentage of bounce rate?

When you are making your traffic to land on your website but if they do not find what they are looking for, they will be disappointed and off course they will leave.
Thus comes the fact we call bounce rate.
bounce rate. is a percentage of visitors or traffic of your website, who arrived on your landing page of your site and left after visiting only one page.
That defines the number of traffic on percentage who doesn’t explore your site and gone away without having their results on what they want from web or not interested.
There is a great role of content. Content must contain user awareness that will guide them properly with resourceful knowledge reflecting their satisfaction. Otherwise all your effort on SEO, SEM, SMM will waste in vain.
Google analytics calculate bounce rate on a page or website through calculating total number of bounces, dividing with total number of entrances on the page.
a bounce rate in the range of 26 to40 percent is excellent. 41 to 55 percent is roughly average. 56 to 70 percent is higher than average, but may not be cause for alarm depending on the Website.
Reducing bounce rate. to your site helps to boost your conversion rate. Once you understand that conversion tactics, you can adapt with a clear content strategy to grow online.
when a user visits your site, if user can not find the required content in your website then it exits from your website without going through the other pages of your website. The time between stay on your website or exit from your website is known as bounce rate.
Bounce rate (sometimes confused with exit rate) is an Internet marketing term used in web traffic analysis. It represents the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave ("bounce") rather than continuing to view other pages within the same site.

As a rule of thumb, a bounce rate in the range of 26 to 40 percent is excellent. 41 to 55 percent is roughly average. 56 to 70 percent is higher than average, but may not be cause for alarm depending on the website. Anything over 70 percent is disappointing for everything outside of blogs, news, events, etc.
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who come to your website and leave without viewing any other pages on your website. If you look into your Google Analytics, you will see a percentage. If you’re average bounce rate, for example, is 75%, this means that 75% of the people who come to your website leave after only viewing the page they entered on, whether it was your homepage or an internal page.
Any user lands you landing website or the website and then within 30 sec he close that tab or browse without navigating on any other pages of your website, such actions are called bounce rate. Percentage of bounce rate depends on the type of website.. for example services oriented website might have high bounce rate and ecommerce or video based website might have very low bounce rate...

But for an average website bounce should be below 40% which means website is really good and interactive and by default most of the website should have bounce rate below 60%
Bounce rate calculates the percentage of your websites without going an inner page or subpage he leaves from your website.
bounce rate = total number of visitors who only view a single page/ total number of visitors who enter to that page x 100

A bounce rate in the range of 26 to 40 percent is excellent. 41 to 55 percent is roughly average. 56 to 70 percent is higher than average, but may not be cause for alarm depending on the website