What is Bounce Rate on a Website?


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SEO Basics is the eCreative IM blog column written for SEO beginners just learning the basics of search engine optimization. Bounce rate is one of the most misunderstood metrics in Google Analytics. Bounce rate is the percentage of single page visits (or web sessions).One of the most underestimated and under-valued metrics of any website's SEO campaign is the site's “bounce rate”.
A high bounce rate indicates that folks land on your site and immediately determine that your site doesn't contain what it is they are looking for. Your average time on site is awesome, it means that the people who endeavor to search your site for what they are looking for are fully engaged. A high bounce rate indicates a design problem first and foremost given your average time on site. I'd love to take a peak and offer some precise feedback should you deem it necessary.
website's bounce rate is a metric that indicates the percentage of people who land on one of your web pages and then leave without clicking to anywhere else on your website -- in other words, single-page visitors.