What is bounce rate of website:

Bounce rate indicate how many visitor on our site move without waiting for more than a sec. For reducing bounce rate you have place unique and interesting content on your site and try to inter link the keyword with other page so that he could manage to click the keyword for his better use.
Percentage of visitors who are coming to a website through a particular page and exists from the website from the same page itself is termed as Bounce Rate of the website. From SEO perspective it's important to have minimum bounce rate of the website.
Bounce Rate is the percentage of people going back from your website without completing single session.
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. It can be reduced by:

Good content update
Internal links
Easy navigation
Quick loading of webpage
Bounce rate is the %age of a visitor visit to a specific website who navigate or “bounce” away after only viewing that individual webpage.
Google Analytics is actually tracking is the number of visitors who come to your page and leave without viewing any other page on your website or engaging with your page in any meaningful way. If our bounce rate is more than 70%, it can dissapoint your search ranking and traffic too.

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A bounce is defined as a single page visit.If a user clicks on a link to a page on your website, spends five minutes reading that page, and then exits your site, they’re a bounce.
There are many ways through which you can lower your bounce rate:
1. Update your outdated content
2. Improve your page loading speed\
3. Write short paragraphs
4. Make your site search outstanding
5. Split longer posts into short paragraphs
6.Make your website mobile responsive
7. Make sure your broken links are less.
Bounce rate is when someone visit to your websites and stays over website for less than 5 minutes because of any reasons like bad content or bad website quality.