What is affiliate marketing in seo..?

Affiliate management is a key ingredient of an effective SEO/SEM plan. Too many corporations make affiliate management as an afterthought, often to the corporation's detriment.
I'm helping a nonprofit become unbanned in Google. Unfortunately, helping sites get unbanned is a normal, everyday part of my job. The organization itself hasn't spammed Google. The Web site is quite user friendly, and the organization is a well-established brand. There are no technical reasons for the site not to appear in the Google index. Yet after digging around for reasons for a Google ban, we discovered the problem: affiliates gone wild.
We asked our client if it had any legal agreements with its affiliates that limited the types of search engine strategies they could pursue. It didn't. So as part of the unbanning process, we're working with the client's attorneys to come up with an affiliate SEO agreement (often, this is in conjunction with an affiliate advertising agreement). Many corporations could save thousands of dollars in lost search engine traffic if they created such legal agreements before hiring affiliates.
As a part of the affiliate marketing SEO plan, corporations should point out the importance of offering unique content in addition to the corporations' content. For example, effective information architecture is an extremely important component of SEO. Are there ways affiliates can group and categorize information that are better than how the corporate site organizes it? Some products sell better in regional markets than others. Maybe the affiliate site could focus on the best sellers for its region.
I've seen regional affiliate sites' cross-linking (internal, page-to-page linking) vary by region. By presenting a unique cross-linking structure, affiliates provide unique information to the commercial search engines and a 100 percent user-friendly scent of information for customers.
Additionally, a FAQ, customer service, or help section could be unique for each affiliate site. Many affiliates work directly with customers. What questions do those customers repeatedly pose? Having these questions and their answers available in a FAQ, customer service, or help section provides unique content for both end users and search engines.
Finally, one of the biggest mistakes I see with affiliate Web sites and corporations is forcing affiliates to use a print catalog's exact wording. Print copywriting works fine in a print medium; it doesn't necessarily work for a Web site. Since affiliates often know their customers quite well, they should be able to modify product descriptions without deviating from the corporate branding message.
The end result? Affiliate sites don't get filtered out of search results due to duplicate content, and customers find what they are searching for quickly and easily.

Affiliate marketing is a way for a company or business to market their service or products to improve their business growth.