What is advantage of press release?

A press release is essentially a communicative tool that lets users know about your company and website. While press releases communicate with users, they also communicate with search engines. This means that they should be written for SEO, as they will help the site to be optimized, viewed and ranked by search engines. Once we submit press release to the most perfect niche and all the information it provides is legitimate we might end up getting a quality backlink. This process helps in enlightening people about the brand; it helps in building a reputation about the brand among the masses. Once a targeted consumer knows about the brand it helps bringing traffic to the provider. If we have achieved perfect consumer's visibility it brings itself huge traffic.
In terms of SEO, press release distribution can be considered one of the more economical choices compared with paid advertising. Its results are also more observable and measurable than social media marketing. Generally, using press release distribution to increase traffic and maximize SEO efforts is actually pretty good value for money.
Newsworthy content is beneficial for your brand because it gives instant exposure. This is an opportunity for your brand to generate traffic and reach potential audience. It also helps boost marketing plan and strategies, and a whole lot more.
10 Benefits of Press Release Distribution
1. HUGE viewership and customer base
2. Increased visibility and trust
3. Enhanced SEO efforts
4. Managing and fixing your reputation
5. Why it’s called “News”, not “Olds”
6. Become an industry expert
7. Cost-effective
8. Spread your brand virally
9. Extend reach of press releases through RSS feeds
10. Permanent Indexation