What is Absolute Link?

An absolute link is a hyperlink containing a full URL, which includes all the information needed to find a particular site, page or document or other addressable item on the Internet.Absolute paths always include the domain name of the website.
A complete link is usually a web link made up of a complete WEB ADDRESS, which include all the information had a need to look for a particular site, page or record or additional addressable item on the web.
An absolute link is a hyperlink containing a full URL, which includes all the information needed to find a particular site, page or document or other addressable item on the Internet.

This information includes:

The protocol to use, such as HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) or FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
The domain name of the site in which the sought-after item resides.
The directory or subdirectory (directory within a directory) in the domain where the sought-after item resides.
The file name of the item if applicable, often including the extension defining the type of item (HTML file, PDF file, image file, video, etc.).
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