What is a title meta tag?

The information that you provide in a meta tag is used by search engines to index a page so that someone searching for the kind of information the page contains will be able to find it.meta tags are still very important. because title tags and meta description are showing in search result. If meta description not found on a web page then Google show description from directory which is relevant to a web page.

A meta tag is nothing but meta title of the particular page of the website, which is shows in SERP page. In meta tag, there are some limitations charcters its 50-60 characters in one meta title.

Title labels and meta portrayals are bits of HTML code in the header of a page. They help web crawlers comprehend the substance on a page. A page's title tag and meta depiction are normally demonstrated at whatever point that page shows up in web index comes about.

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Title tags are used to tell search engines and visitors what any given page on your site is about in the most concise and accurate way possible.