Stop words like Words that are common do not help search engines understand documents. Exceptionally common terms, such as the, are called stop words. While search engines index stop words, they are not typically used or weighted heavily to determine relevancy in search algorithms.
Stop words are words that carry little to no keyword value. Your best keywords are, grammatically speaking, nouns and verbs, with adjectives in close support. But function words are your stop words, which consist of:
articles (such as “the”, “an” and “a”)
auxiliary verbs (such as “am”, “is”, and “can”)
conjunctions (such as “and”, “or”, “but” and “while”)
particles (such as “if”, “then”, and “thus”)
prepositions (such as “of”, “that”, “on” and “for”)
pronouns (such as “he”, “we”, “which” and “her”)
and more....