What is a benefit of social sites in SEO?

The SEO Benefits of Social Media. Most businesses tend to think of their social media marketing efforts in somewhat of a vacuum. They focus on the number of followers they attract, brand awareness, and the sales they can attribute directly to social media campaigns.
Social media marketing and SEO are two tightly interwoven strategies. Both are organic, inbound strategies that focus on building an appealing identity that naturally attracts visitors. ... For more ways social media benefits online marketing campaigns, see “The Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing.
Social media has in the recent past become one of the most significant platforms for promoting businesses. This is because of the high traffic on social media sites at a given time. Never run out of ideas o social media that can take a business to the next level after going through the following comprehensive list of social media marketing methods. From promotional posts to personal and business related promotional ideas, the list is likely to inspire business marketers and social media users for a very long time.
Most of our time is spent on social media these days, all of us are there and the visibility factor of anything there is huge, be more creative, be more engaging and more interactive so people are talking about you, sharing your posts etc. Definitely helpful in driving the traffic. Present is future is all about social media
Social sites help to
Encourage External Inbound Links, influence social sharing increases brand awareness and a number of followers to your site.