What is 301 redirect?

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect which passes between 90-99% of link juice (ranking power) to the redirected page. 301 refers to the HTTP status code for this type of redirect. In most instances, the 301 redirect is the best method for implementing redirects on a website.
301 redirect is the most efficient and Search Engine Friendly method for webpage redirection. It's not that hard to implement and it should preserve your search engine rankings for that particular page. If you have to change file names or move pages around, it's the safest option. The code "301" is interpreted as "moved permanently.
301 redirects are used to permanently move a site to a new location. Search engines do not apply penalties to 301 redirects the way they apply them to many other types of redirects. You have to change file names or move pages around, it's the safest option. The code "301" is interpreted as moved permanently.
A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect which passes between 90-99% of link juice (ranking power) to the redirected page. 301 refers to the HTTP status code for this type of redirect. In most instances, the 301 redirect is the best method for implementing redirects on a website.
A 301 redirect is used when an inbound link to a particular page references a page that has been permanently moved to a different location on the web. Usually a 301 redirect includes the address to which the resource has been removed.
A 301 redirect is the process that redirect old url to new working url which is know as permanent redirect which passes upto 100% of link juice (ranking power) to the redirected page. You can go redirection through .htaccess file and if you using worpress then you can download plugin to make your work easy.

If you need to change the URL of a page as it is shown in search engine results, we recommend that you use a server-side 301 redirect. This is the best way to ensure that users and search engines are directed to the correct page. The 301 status code means that a page has permanently moved to a new location.
The HTTP response status code 301 Moved Permanently is used for permanent URL redirection, meaning current links or records using the URL that the response is received for should be updated. The new URL should be provided in the Location field included with the response. The 301 redirect is considered a best practice for upgrading users from HTTP to HTTPS.[1] RFC 2616 states that:

If a client has link-editing capabilities, it should update all references to the Request URL.
The response is cachable.[2]
Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity should contain a small hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URL(s).
If the 301 status code is received in response to a request of any type other than GET or HEAD, the client must ask the user before redirecting.
Contents [hide]
1 Example
1.1 Search engines
2 See also
3 References
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