What Graphics Program do you use?


New member
I personally use GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). It is free and easy to download. It isn't one of the famous Graphics Programs like Adobe Photoshop but Photoshop costs money so I did not get it, I downloaded GIMP instead.
What do you use?
Another good free program that i use is paint.net. It reminds me of paint shop pro which is easy to use and does some advanced graphic manipulation that regular windows paint can't do. Not as good as gimp or photoshop but good enough to get by on.
Photoshop/Fireworks for mockup stuff, SAI for sketching and drawing. Flash is also good for light vector editing and some occasional animation. I heavily despise GIMP.
Can you stop with the 2 letters a line because I cannot read that.

Yes it is very annoying isn't it! It is the advert on the last message of the thread which needs to be changed. I have added a post in the feedback section but have not received a response yet. Wasn't sure if it was just me or everyone.
I have always been an Adobe Photoshop user. I am an amateur photographer so Adobe is a great help when my shots do not turn out as planned.
Graphics are not my strong point. I use an online graphics program called Pixlr. If I have any heavy duty graphics work, I will pay someone to do it.

I tried to use GIMP years ago and gave up. I should probably take a second look at the program.
Another GIMP fan here! GIMP is an excellent free alternative to Adobe PhotoShop. I also use Inkscape for vector work, then export as a png and manipulate as required in GIMP.
Photoshop, but I've started to use Illustrator a bit more recently. I know a lot of my work (logo's etc) should be done in Illustrator but I've never taken the time to learn it properly.

Liked the idea of using gimp but I've never been able to get to grasps with it.
I've been designing for almost 10 years now. When I first started, I used what was known as Jasc Paintshop Pro 7. Now it's Corel Paintshop Pro. However, I am now an avid Adobe Photoshop user. I currently use Adobe Photoshop CS5. While Paintshop is easier to use, I believe that once you learn Photoshop you just can't go back. Images come out more crisp with Photoshop.
I'm a die hard Adobe user, been using their programs since the mid 1990's, so I can't really bring myself to switch to any other substitutions. In the late 90's-I dabbled a bit with Paint Shop Pro and Photo Impact, but once I discovered that I could get Photoshop dirt cheap through my student book store on campus, I just stayed with Adobe products.

I did really like Pixlr, though, after playing around with it. It's got a layout very similar to Photoshop, and would be a great option for people without Photoshop. Don't be fooled by it being a browser based app, it is really powerful and full featured.
Graphic program is software develop programming Most graphics programs have the ability to import and export one or more graphics file formats
Some of the best graphic design programs in my opinion are In Design (extremely easy), Flash CS3 or any latest versions available (helpful for professionals) and Adobe Photoshop (widely used for graphic designing and photo enhancing). Most of the best web design companies use various soft wares to enhance the functionality and visibility of web site.
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GIMP for Windows, a popular open source image editor originally developed by Unix and Linux. Serif Photo Plus , Paint.net , Photo filter also have a programs for Graphics design.
I use Paint because I rarely do my own graphics, I suck at making graphics so I pay someone to do it for me, unless it is something simple like resizing an image, cropping a graphic, or adding text to an image, then I will do it myself with Paint. :) Gimp is also a good free one for those of you looking for a free program. :)