What does competitive analysis mean to you and what techniques do you use?

Competitive analysis means to me as to check the content quality and link profile of your competitor before starting work on your on website. You can also check the keyword competition in Google adwords tool, to have an idea that the keywords you are going to work for are of low, medium or high competition.
Competitive analysis means to analyse your website, product or any other service or whatever it may be, relative to your competitors. while some of the things need a technical observation, for example website html code or tags, others may depend on just the observation of the personal and may thus be subjective analysis.
From a product perspective, competitive analysis is about connecting 3 dots.

  1. start with the business needs of your target customers
  2. determine how well your products meet those needs
  3. determine how well your competitor’s products meet those same needs

Analyze your strengths and weaknesses relative to the competition and determine your course of action to stay ahead or surpass them.
A competitive analysis is a critical part of your company marketing plan. With this evaluation, you can establish what makes your product or service unique--and therefore what attributes you play up in order to attract your target market.