What do you mean by SEO


New member

Would you let me know about the meaning of SEO.I don't think it has limited definition.There are lots of definitions about it.According to myself it is a process of improving a website in the free search engines results page.
SEO is a process which combines some changes in on page to better navigation as well as some off-page activities, help increasing our site reputation in Search engines.
SEO is a technique to promote & optimize a website and get on top rankings in search engine result pages.
It increase site visibility, popularity and drive targeted traffic on the site that can convert into sales or leads.

Would you let me know about the meaning of SEO.I don't think it has limited definition.There are lots of definitions about it.According to myself it is a process of improving a website in the free search engines results page.

SEO is a method,technique and tactic to increase the amount of visitors to a website.. So a service provider to increase his page rank and traffic should make use of SEO service... I am a owner of a website and i make use of Tucktail.com where they provide Search engine visibility which helps to improve the website page rank and submit to major search engines..If you are interested you can make use of this service....
Seo is nothing more then a practice to improve over all ranking of your site it includes many techniques and tools to support.
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is done to improve the page ranking of your content for a particular keyword or keywords, as the case may be, on Google and other search engines. It helps the search engines bots to pick up the content and rank it in their list. It's a subtle and complex thing which can only be mastered through persistence and experience. You will see that trail and error method is the best way to learn it as no book or website is going to teach you to do SEO.
SEO or Search Engine optimization is a broad term and something which is really hard to define. Here is how I perceive it. SEO is a technique which is applied to help search engine bots track our content and rank 'em for the term that your content is optimized for.

Not a perfect definition by any means, but I tried :)
There are many different meanings of SEO to many different people. One general and typical definition is Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. This means using various techniques to rank your blog or website up on the Google SERP's in hopes of ranking first one day. There are many techniques you can use to rank up which is also known as SEO. Forum posting is a technique, article writing, guest posting, video SEO, and a lot more. There are hundreds of techniques to rank your page up, and if you get the hang of it, you have a chance at ranking higher and higher until you're first.
It is indeed the process of optimizing your website. However, the basic principle is to have activity on your website and fill it content that is interesting for many people..
Let's say I had a game or a blog, and I wanted to make it easily discoverable. Is the best way for my game or blog to get discovered via SEO is to use keywords? Or are there other tactics I should use such as advertising on Google?
seo is a way to expose your website to search engine world and world wide web meaning you are trying to make your site appear in world wide platform else people will not know what you are doing on your site and what products you are selling