What do you know about Keyword stemming?

Keyword Stemming Mix up the keywords in your title tags, headers, meta descriptions, content and anchor text. You don’t want to over optimize for any single keyword.
Keyword stemming is a useful tool for web pages and search engine optimization. The process of keyword stemming involves taking a basic but popular keyword pertaining to a particular website and adding a prefix, suffix, or pluralization to make the keyword into a new word.
Keyword Stemming is the process of using a popular keyword and modifying it in order to generate more hits from search engines.

For example: “bats”, “batting”, “batter”, “batted” – all of these share the same stem “bat”, which can be obtained by stripping the suffix characters off of each word (i.e. by stripping the “s” off of “bats”, and so on).

A stemming algorithm reduces the words "practicing", "practiced", and "practices" to the root word, "practice".
Keyword Stemming is the process of using a popular keyword and modifying it in order to generate more hits from search engines.

For example: “bats”, “batting”, “batter”, “batted” – all of these share the same stem “bat”, which can be obtained by stripping the suffix characters off of each word (i.e. by stripping the “s” off of “bats”, and so on).

A stemming algorithm reduces the words "practicing", "practiced", and "practices" to the root word, "practice".

I agree with you.
Keyword stemming for search engine optimization is a great traffic draw for your website. Keyword stemming is the growth of one popular keyword phrase that is related to your website article by using suffixes, prefixes or adding pluralization, which is another way of making one keyword phrase into many additional new words.