What do YOU do to get out the Designer's "Block?"


New member
All designers have been there in some point of their carriers, and even if you haven't, you will certainly come to this point.

Just like the infamous Writer's Block, a self-coined term (by me) called Designer's Block is when you have to complete a task of designing whatever (this being website design in this case) and just cannot, even if you think the hardest you can, get a simple idea on what the style and over all theme could be.

What do you do in those cases?
Oh yes, I think every designer has been there. I usually try to do something completely different. Get off the computer, watch a movie, go for a run. Anything that's unrelated to designing. I work from home though, I guess this is a lot harder if you're in an office with fixed hours.
This is where having a good visual library is essential. Here's a video that provides great coverage of the subject:

When my mind starts to act like that, I go to my site and find small ways to improve it. No matter how hard you try, eventually you will find something wrong with a site. Another thing I like to do is design logos to put on my site, it is a good way to waste time. :)