What are your pet peeves?


New member
One of my pet peeves that I never realize until the summer is the heat. I'm sure a lot of you hate the heat, but I specifically hate waking up in the morning each day very uncomfortable, and a bit sweaty. It just starts my morning off in a bad way.

Another one is sticky things. Whether it's my leather chair that I sit on every morning in front of my computer, or different types of foods, I always get a certain feeling that manages to irk me.

What about you guys?
Hmm my pet peeve is that I hate when someone leaves a door open for no reason, it's like how much effort does it really take to close it behind you? haha
One of my more annoying pet peeves has to do with people driving in my blind spot. Not only is this very dangerous but it also isn't a good habbit to develop. I noticed some of my friends that I sometimes travel with develop this habbit. I try to remind them not to do it when I can, but it still makes me wonder what they would have done had I not been there.
In Canberra in Australia where I live when it rains it seems as though all the stupid drivers come out to play in the rain, lol.
It is like when the rain starts people put the foot down and seem in more of a hurry to get home. I find this to be totally idiotic and really irresponsible, especially when this happened to me yesterday and it was raining cats and dogs, and hailing, not to mention the thunder and lightening. This kind of behavior really upsets me.
The fact that Microsoft never made an Windows XP service pack 4! Although it is going end of life soon, i still install it on old computers and after installing service pack 3 there a zillion updates to install after it. Why not release some type of roll up pack instead? Even if SP4 didn't have other features it could at least have included all the security patches.
Probably artificial light, whenever someone turns a light on and there's no need to or even worse when they have the blinds closed and still complain about it not being bright enough!