What are your biggest challenges as a web designer?

Having worked with the web for quite some time, I have to say that web development never has been more fun than it is today. Here are my take on some of the challenges that a front-end web eveloper will face:

# Coding Javascript in a robust way. Backend software is evolved and it's relatively easy to create good, maintainable code there, using MVC and mature CMS's. With Javascript, I wouldn't say that it's as easy, since applications haven't been as Javascript-intense as they are now for more than half a decade. You need to put more effort into making sure all Javascript is working in all browsers and that new code is written and placed in a maintainable way.
# Keeping a good balance between long term and short term design desitions. Too short, and the code will break apart upon your next change. Too long, your team wont be agile enough.
# Communicate key design concepts, best practices and library usage throughout the team. With too little freedom, people will get bored and do a bad job. With too much freedom people will create clusters of good code that doesn't work well together. I don't want a cathedral nor a bazaar. ;)
# Balancing automated testing. Test too much, you spend time building tests. Test too little, stuff will break in production.
# Balancing iteration time between major framework upgrades.
# Getting people to understand MVC, for all the obvious reasons.
# Communicating SEO concepts, both to editors and developers.
# Keeping sites easy to maintain for editors. If the site isn't easy to maintain for editors, it really doesn't matter how good your code is. A site needs to be easy and fun to update and keep current.
I've talk to about 3 dozen business owners and their answers seemed to center around:

Too price to design
Expensive to update
Too hard/time consuming to update
Takes a long time to respond
Takes a long time to make updates

What are YOUR reasons for being frustrated with your web designer? What's preventing you from making updates and/or getting a new website?
I have a few challenges:

Sometimes I catch myself limiting my creativity – designing what I know how to code rather than doing something completely innovative and figuring out how to make it work later. :)
Not making enough time to explore as a designer. I tend to use up all my time on work projects and need to get better at allocating time for creative freedom.
Getting better at overcoming these challenges is on my new years resolution list :)
When I hear web designer I think about graphic design, so in this category I would say trying to make something that will be literally art but keeping it super easy to understand where everything is (i.e. easy to navigate) while still making it pleasing to most people. I have my own taste in graphics but it's not necessarily what the crowd likes...
When it comes to web development, I think that it's amazingly important to remain productive without any quality loss. That's why agile methodologies are so popular lately and if you are not familiar with the thing, I advise you to read more about it on the website I linked to.