What are the uses of electrical and electronic components?

The technology of electrical and electronic components, from the simplest, such as resistors and capacitors, to the most sophisticated, such as optoelectronic devices and integrated circuits, is of fundamental importance for anyone who wants to operate in the electronics sector. Operating in the electronics sector is impossible without knowing the individual components and their construction methods. This text aims to provide the reader with an overview of current electronic technology and is divided into 12 teaching modules, each of which is divided into learning units.


Electrical equipment that must be installed in products that must also comply with other directives, such as machines or medical devices, and purely electrical products, such as panels installed in buildings, on the other hand, are subject only to the directives listed above. In any case, any product that works with electricity requires mandatory marking.

The electrical and electronic products and electrical panels are also regulated by Electrical and Electronics Components in Pune. These define the characteristics that are often mandatory and must be identified when planning, just like many other products or plants that use electricity.

Electrical and electronic products and electrical panels must be marked, applying the procedures indicated on this site and on which our company provides assistance and advice.

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