What are the Types of SEO?

Within each group are subgroups, as each chapter of this SEO guide will explain. These subgroups contain one or more individual SEO factors with a specific weight or importance.
There are two types of SEO that is On page SEO and Off page SEO. In the On page Seo we work on our website and in the Off page Seo we our on other sites for your website.
On page and Off page are two types of SEO. Both of them helps in increasing ranking of the keywords and traffic on the site. There are various on page and off page techniques to increase traffic on the site.
Types of SEO:
1. On Page SEO
2. Off Page SEO

According to techniques used:
1. White Hat SEO
2. Grey Hat SEO
3. Black Hat SEO

Off page good way increasing the Keyword ranking of website.

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On Page Optimization is basically the effort which you put on the website and is clearly visible, Like:
" Optimizing the existing content
" HTML code corrections
" remove broken / dead links
" Add Meta / Alt Tags
" Add Google and XML Site Map
" Analytic Setup
It is very important that On Page Optimization is done correctly for a website as this educated search engine crawlers and spiders about the theme of the website and which keywords you are targeting to rank on. On Page Optimization is usually done once on the website however SEO Agency does On Page Optimization after every 3 months to keep the site fresh for Search Engines.

Off Page Optimization Is something which is done offsite and usually not visible on the website however results in pushing the ranking higher on search engines, it is a regular process and must be done ethically for better and long term results.
" Creation of New Pages
" Link Building Services
" Directory Submission
" Article Creation and Submission
" Classified Ad Creation and Submission
" Blog Post Message Creation and Submission
" Press Release Creation and Submission
" E-book Creation and Submission
you can also hire experts from SEOclerks.
Conceptually, there are two ways of doing SEO
• On-Page SEO- This includes providing good content, good keywords selection. putting keywords on correct places, giving appropriate title to every page etc.
• Off-Page SEO - This includes link building, increasing link popularity by submitting in open directories, search engines, link exchange etc.

SEO techniques are classified into two broad categories:
1. Techniques that search engines recommend as part of good design referred to as White Hat SEO, and
2. Techniques that search engines do not approve and attempt to minimize the effect of referred to as Black Hat or spamdexing.