What are the new trends of logo design?

As 2017 begins, we look forward to the new year and hope that it brings with it a new direction for logo design. In collaboration with Designhill, and research conducted with top logo designers around the world, these are the most likely logo design trends forecast for 2017, which include a few new trends, and some that will become more popular.
1. Broken letters
Stencils? Spray paint? Not quite. In 2017 we can expect designers to take broken letterforms far beyond their utilitarian nature.
2. Form simplification
There are messy people, and there are clean people. We love both, but if logo and branding trends are any indication, it’s time to make room for cleanliness.
3. Cropping
One of the famous teachings of renowned graphic designer Paul Rand was to ask ourselves how to visually show as little as possible while still communicating a message. For instance: How much of the letter “Y” do we really need to expose to let the viewer know it’s a “Y?” The answer: less than you thought. Cropping is one way to embrace this idea of subtraction, and it’s coming back in a big way.
4. Color palette simplification
Noticed how there’s less and less color in logos lately? If not, it may be because simple color palettes actually create the sense of more color! This reductionist method of design gives each individual color the space to shine.
5. Photographic textures
Here’s something new: abstract photographic textures in logo and branding. This is a quick and easy way to add personality to a brand, and there are a lot of designers today doing it well.
6. Geometry
Geometry has probably been trending since before you were born, but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about ways designers are pushing the envelope today.
7. Hand-drawn
Let’s face it: Translating handmade design to computers has always been a challenge, requiring scanners, USB tablets, vector tracing and more. Why bother with that clutter when you can just create a fully digital design? The answer is recently coming into focus: Hand-drawn designs feel fresh, comforting, human and grounded. And they’re worth the effort!
8. Pattern & repetition
Humans gravitate towards familiarity, and one simple way to evoke that feeling with design is through pattern and repetition.
9. Moving parts
We’ve saved the best for last! One of the most exciting trends on our radar is branding that introduces both logo design variation in printed materials and web-based animated GIFs.
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Hi. Design trends and branding design are evolving faster and faster every day. Every day there are new designers trying to create something new and original. Minimalism is popular as far as I'm concerned right now. We probably saw the logos and basically the design of many companies that have the logo simply draw a single letter. This is now considered very beautiful and original. I also got involved in branding design when I ordered visual branding packages. These designers and I spent most of the day discussing how to make a great design to attract clients and for aesthetic pleasure. But in the end I got a very beautiful design that my whole company likes.